Adventure Travel Reality Check
Adventure Travel Reality Check
"If you reject the food, ignore the customs, fear the religion and avoid the people, you might better stay at home" James Michener
A journey anywhere in the world, even from your home to place of work, can expose you to risk of an accident. However, travelling in the developing world can expose you to risks not normally faced at home and the type of travel on all our trips (be it our Overland Adventures, Ultimate Expeditions or Small Group Adventures) can sometimes be less predictable than you may expect. We therefore ask you to read the information online (or in our brochure) as well as our booking conditions, the British Foreign Office travel advice for the countries you will be travelling through and also our pre-departure information for the specific trip you wish to do, along with the following;
A journey anywhere in the world, even from your home to place of work, can expose you to risk of an accident. However, travelling in the developing world can expose you to risks not normally faced at home and the type of travel on all our trips (be it our Overland Adventures, Ultimate Expeditions or Small Group Adventures) can sometimes be less predictable than you may expect. We therefore ask you to read the information online (or in our brochure) as well as our booking conditions, the British Foreign Office travel advice for the countries you will be travelling through and also our pre-departure information for the specific trip you wish to do, along with the following;

Adventure Travel
The countries we visit have lifestyles and expectations very different to those of developed countries and events can occur that will require patience and understanding from you the traveller. Health and Safety and operational standards, particularly of Hotels and Local Transport, can be unpredictable and are generally not up to western standards. However experienced and organised we and our Tour Leaders are, we are often at the mercy of the unpredictable. It is important to remember this and be aware that our type of trips can never be guaranteed to be without a hiccup or two.

Because Oasis do not operate normal 'package holidays' the maps and itineraries displayed in our brochure and on our website cannot be guaranteed to run exactly as outlined. However, it is rare that we have to make major changes, and in the event that we do, this will be discussed with you either before or during the trip. It is important to bear in mind that should it not be possible to enter a certain country due to safety concerns, visa problems or political turmoil etc, and it becomes necessary to fly over a country in order to continue a trip, that all costs for flights will be borne by you and not Oasis. Should it not be possible for an Oasis trip to begin from a scheduled starting city due to border closures, civil unrest etc, Oasis will make all reasonable efforts to begin the trip from an alternative location. However, all additional costs that you may incur in travelling to the alternative location will be paid by you or your insurance company and not Oasis. On some of our expeditions we may pass through a country or part of a country that the British Foreign Office advise against travel to. On these occasions Oasis will inform you in advance.

Accommodation & Your Responsibility
We aim to use accommodation that is locally owned and operated. However, while reasonable care is taken in selecting accommodation the Health and Safety regulations in the countries through which we travel are not up to the standard of western countries. Because of this, care should be taken by you to familiarize yourself with the general layout of the accommodation so you may become aware of any specific risks or safety features. e.g. What route you would take to exit in a fire - if a hotel or campsite has a swimming pool it may not have any safety signs - you should expect occasional problems such as unreliable plumbing & hot water etc. Some of our trips may only pass through a particular area once or twice a year, and in this time the standard of the staff and accommodation can change a lot, so please be prepared to accept inconsistencies such as this as these are things we have very little control over. If you choose to travel on this type of adventure trip in developing countries, you must be prepared to accept that these types of incidences are all part of the possible experience.

Transport & Roads
In many of the countries in which we operate the road conditions and the transport regulations and facilities are not up to the standard of advanced western countries. Roads can be very badly potholed with unmarked speed bumps, lack of warning signs and road markings and sometimes we will drive off road on dirt roads or unmarked pistes. Other road users are often in vehicles which are poorly maintained or driven.

Emergency Services
In many of the countries we visit, once we are outside major cities the emergency services and hospital facilities can be of a very limited nature compared to western countries. In summary it is very important to accept that our trips involve an element of personal risk and are of a potentially hazardous and unpredictable nature.