New Years Resolutions for 2020

Have you made yours yet? Will you keep them this year? Are they the same as last year? We’ve had a look at peoples’ most common New Years resolutions, and want to show you how Oasis Overland might be able to help you make them come true for 2020!

New Year Fireworks1 - Exercise more

This is an easy one for an overlanding trip. Even if you’re not really into exercise, by virtue of our trips being participatory, you’ll get exercise just by putting up/taking down your tent and helping with the daily running of the expedition. New countries to discover, cities to explore and sites to see – you’ll be nailing your 10,000 steps without even trying!

2 - Lose weight

This is an interesting one. Some travellers join their trip assuming they’ll be on a diet of rice and beans, but then end up in a cook group serving steak! Each trip travels to areas that boast interesting and delicious local dishes, and if you choose to indulge in Argentinian steak or Uzbeki plov over and over, perhaps make sure you sign up to a few extra hikes…! Making New Friends

3 - Get organised

The fact you’re looking at holidays for 2020 means you’re getting organised – Well Done! Top it off by spending some time budgeting for the optional excursions you might want to do, check out the suggested packing list, and we’ll do the rest!

4 - Learn a new skill or hobby

Fancy learning a new language? You could learn Spanish for a trip to South America, or Russian for those travelling to Central Asia. Or perhaps you might like to develop your photography skills on a safari in Africa? There are so many options – even learning how to make a fire counts!

5 - Live life to the fullestDiscover new cultures

Every day is an adventure on our Overland trips! The scenery changes daily, you discover new countries, sample new foods and make new friends. It’s hard not to live in the moment, so let yourself fully embrace life on the road. How about immersing yourself in Africa on our Africa Explored Expedition!

6 - Save more money / spend less money

Save for the trip – as much as you can. You never know, you might change your mind about that bungee jump when you watch your fellow travellers do it!

As for spending less, we’ll let you decide about that….

7 - Quit smoking

This may or may not apply, but new year resolutions often include giving something up. How about giving up saying no, and pledge to say yes to all the amazing opportunities that come up during your trip?!

8 - Spend more time with family and friends

Or, make new friends, have a fantastic trip to an incredible continent, so you have lots of stories your family will love to hear!Live life to the fullest

9 - Travel more

Simple. Click here.

NB: we offer return traveller discounts, so check out somewhere new we can take place you on an adventure!

10 - Read more

While overland trips are often action packed, it’s nice to seek some down time and catch up with books you’ve been meaning to get round to reading. All our trucks have an onboard library too, so you don’t have to bring a pile of books with you!