Oasis blog
Below is a selection of our top blogs. Keep up to date with all the latest news from Oasis.
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Did you know you can charter one of our vehicles?
Whatever trip you are planning, wherever it may be in the world, Oasis is sure to be able to help so if you are thinking about organising a trip for friends, family, work colleagues, or a college or charity expedition then why not use one of our vehicles?!
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Travelling with Benefits
Travel isn’t always about relaxing and switching off from it all – it can be a great opportunity to learn a new skill or give back through volunteering. Here’s a few trips where you not only have a great time, but you’ll learn something new or help someone too!
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Getting Off the Beaten Track
One of the biggest advantages of overland travel is being able to access places that many people only dream of. Not only will the trip take you to some of the most celebrated regions of the continent, we also try to include smaller, lesser known places that are special to us.
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Mindfulness on an Adventure Holiday?!
It’s the buzz word of the moment. Everyone wants to achieve inner peace, reach that oasis of calm within, and improve their mental health.
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The W Trek - Photo Blog
There are some places on earth where words, however powerful they are, cannot begin to evoke the beauty of the natural world. We think one of these such places in Torres del Paine National Park. The W Trek is a 4 day walk through the incredible mountainous landscape of the park and can be completed during any Oasis trip that travels down to Patagonia. Here’s the trek as a photo journey.
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A Local Tipple
One of my favourite parts of travelling is the weird and wonderful food and drink you “have” to try when visiting a new place – it’s a huge part of the local culture.
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Group Travel: the best bits
Group Travel; What’s it like? A lot of people have an opinion on travelling in a group. Some people think it’s the best thing ever; others might worry they’ll be stuck with a group of non like-minded travellers. Why not find out for yourself? Whether you’re a solo traveller, travelling with a partner or wanting to tag along with a friend, our overland group trips enable you to have a fantastic trip!
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Celebrate the Festive Season
Fancy time on the beach during the Festive Season this year?
Have you ever thought about getting away for Christmas and New Year but have never actually done it?!
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Crew Focus: Tour Leader Ricardo
Oasis Overland Tour Leader Ricardo has worked with us in South America for nearly 10 years - learn a little bit about him.
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Why I love being an Oasis Tour Leader by Jemma
It’s an amazing feeling when a passion and a career come together!
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South Africa - a fantastic destination even in the winter
A regular question I get asked is; when is the best time to go on a trip. I totally understand this question, as I would want to know myself.
However this can be hard to answer, mainly because with the current climate this makes the weather not as predictable as it used to be and it depends on where you want to go and what you want to do.
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Top lakes to see on your travels
The world is full of natural wonders, and we think it’s a waste never to see at least a few of them. So, why not join us on an Oasis Overland adventure and start viewing more of the spectacular world we live in? As an example of the sights, you could see along the way, check out these top lakes to see on your travels – all of them are included on an Oasis Overland tour!
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5 of the most renowned pieces of Ancient Egyptian Architecture
Ancient Egypt is well known for its culture and creativity. It’s art dates as far back as 3000BC, and it teaches us a whole lot about the civilisation. Their architecture, is diverse, ranging from pyramids to temples. They are widely considered to be one of the most influential cultures that developed many sciences and arts, including architecture. Many of the more notable structures still stand, even though they were built over 4,000 years ago, with hieroglyphs that tell the story of an empire. While some facts about the structures are really surprising, others are just amazing, and we’ve put together information on 5 of the most renowned pieces of ancient Egyptian architecture for you.
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Reducing your SUP (single-use-plastic) on your Oasis Overland Trip
Many of our travellers are pretty clued up about cutting out plastic in their lives at home. I’m sure you’re the same: getting your take out coffee in a reusable cup, refusing plastic straws, or taking reusable bags to the supermarket. However, when travelling, sometimes, these good habits lapse. It’s easy to accept the plastic straw when you’re drinking a pretty cocktail, or say yes to the plastic bag because you didn’t bring a reusable one with you. It might even be that faced with a camping holiday, you don’t know what to pack or what alternatives you can bring to help reduce the amount of plastic you use.